Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
478115 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC institution
312442 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regroupinstitution
85098 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention laboratory Hyattsville, MD
154770 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention laboratory
161775 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention laboratory Kisumu
226814 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC laboratory
226815 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC laboratory
472643 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention institution Atlanta, GA,
525054 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention institution
525103 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention institution Kinshasa
525105 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention institution Kigali
525106 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention institution
525108 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention institution
524488 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention institution Fort Collins, CO
1170201 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention institution